Friday rolled around and I took the day off to tape off the walls and move furniture. Dave's sister Nina came over early to help. Later that afternoon our families came to help out. We put tarps down everywhere and everyone got a roller and got to work. Before we knew it the whole place was done. We now have a black front door (before it was yellowed and smudged), "Willow Tree" walls and "Less Brown" accents.
There is still much work to be done, but it's amazing the world of difference paint does to a place.
This is Jenalee Katherman (my niece) with my dad in front of our newly painted walls. You can't tell the colors very well from the picture, but the one on the left is "willow tree" and on the right is "less brown"
Jenalee started Kindergarten this week and loves it. She will do great in school as she is smart and also very outgoing and friendly.
Way to stand up for your values Anabelle!
On our front porch with Anabelle. I sure hope one day Dave and I make a kid as cute as her.
Dave got SO much paint on his feet. I was shocked and relieved that we didn't get paint on the carpet.
Not quite as fun as making the mess, but just as important to the finished product.
Did I mention I LOVE my walls! I love my
cabinets too-- We painted them black a few months ago. I really like the way it turned out though I was a little weary about the brown accent wall with black cabinets, but it works.
Oh, by the way...
My hubby
is so hot!
Handy too putting the face plates back on the outlets.
I have got to be the luckiest girl in the world to have him. Along with giving me amazing month long birthdays he also regularly helps clean the house, do laundry and cook. Even as I write this he is switching out the laundry for me because it's ready and I'm apparently busy (btw I didn't ask him to).
Thank you David for all you have done for over the past three years. You're amazing.
1 comment:
Holy hell, it has been three years. That's insane. And yes, your husband is hot and you are lucky to have such a great and domestic man around the house. But, he's lucky to have such a wonderful wife. Someone that is always serving others. I think you got exactly what you deserve: someone that will spoil you as you spoil everyone else! Nice job, Dave!
Now, for the walls. Camy, I am SO JEALOUS of your new walls! I would KILL to paint my house. Or you know, tear the whole thing down and start again. What a fun idea to paint them as a party. I can't wait to see them! Let's have a party. I try and find every excuse to have a party (just ask my husband who HATES parties)! I just ask him if we can have them REALLY late at night and torture him until he says yes. It's a good tactic. Wow, this is a long comment.
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