Thursday, January 22, 2009

Aeslyn Inez Katherman

I've been meaning to write this post since Friday but you all know how life goes.
On Friday morning I went in to get an ultrasound to check out my gallbladder to see if I had any stones in it and the ultrasound techs were very awesome in meandering south to let us take a peek at Baby Katherman a couple of weeks before my official ultrasound to check the baby. They even took me into a different room after checking my gallbladder and other organs to use a better, more clear machine so I could get a better look at my little one. It's a girl! We have decided to name her Aeslyn Inez Katherman. (Aeslyn, not Aslan-- she is not being named after the lion in Narnia. I don't know why so many people are getting that idea) It was so cute, when they first started the ultrasound they had to push kind of hard and the wand thing hit her head and she moved her hand up over her head to block it. It was cute, but I felt bad she was apparently bugged by it.

Here is one picture for you to look at. I'll post more when I get the disc back from Dave (he's so cute, he took the disc out of my computer and took it to work/school to show the pictures off. He's so proud to be a daddy)
You can see her right arm up by her head-- it's a bit blurry because they took the picture when she was moving her arm to block the pressure of the wand.


The Clawsons said...

Wahoo! I am so glad that it is a girl. How exciting!

esianoyam3 said...

Congrats! Girls are fun! What's your actual due date?

Camy Katherman said...

Actual date due is June 6th

Lindsay said...

Congrats Camy, I am so excited for you! I can't believe you we're able to tell so early how many weeks were you when you did the ultrasound, 16+? I hope that the everything is going better with your gallbladder, did you have any stones after all?

Marisa Jean said...

It's a girl! And cute little Dave, so proud...I love it! Next time I see you I'm going to have to have you tell me how you pronounce her name because I know I'm saying it wrong. YAY!!! I'm so excited for you! But what's this about gallstones and other organs having issues? Clear that one up for me.

Michelle said...

Congrats.. :) I am so happy for you too. You'll be the best Mom...
Love You.